GreenScreen or Click! Print! Share Photos Directly to Social Media!
Share instantly via Email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SMS and beyond!
Live upload to participant social media, right from the convention floor, is amazing. Our technology is designed around your needs. In most cases, our TEFpic iPads are the best solution for participants to upload live to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SMS Text Messaging, and Email. In other cases, your needs might require RFID upload. Whichever, we'll design a platform to maximize social media. The social spread continues with PURL emails, designed to keep the discussion going even after the event's conclusion.
TEFpic iPad Live Upload
- We Click the photo
- As it prints, your participants uploads the image to their email, Facebook, Twitter, SMS Text Message, or Instagram.
We provide CSV files of all participant data, and Google Anaytics of social media engagement.
Participants Share Instantly to Facebook, Twitter, PURL Email, Instagram, SMS.
- Live photo feeds are available to your web site or Facebook page.
- Everything is branded to your event, your company, and your photo experience.
- We provide Wi-fi, where available, for a great experience.
#Hashtag photo printing: Print Photos From Twitter and Instagram in a Snap!
The concept is simple: drive participants to mention you on Twitter and Instagram by asking them to match photos they take with a pre-defined hash tag. By defining a unique tag for participants to label their photos – the photos they take on their cell phones and tablets – our software identifies the photo and instantly produces a print. The print generates live at your photo execution, complete with your branding on the photo. Volume instantly turns up on social media. Nothing drives images to social media like #Hashtag printing!
- Photos print about 30 seconds after they are uploaded by the participant.
- Participants use either their phone or ours to capture photos
- Tap into the HOT Selfie trend!
- We provide our iPhone for those who want a selfie, but don''t have a smart phone.
- Participants can also email us the photo if they don't have Twitter or Instagram
- After the event, we track the social spread using advanced analytics, detailing reach, impressions, social networks reached, and demographics. See our National Site for more information, click HERE.